+91 9713340000

Near Surya Life Care Hospital Tilakganj
Sagar(M.P) 470001

Mon-Sat : 11 am - 8 pm
Sunday : Closed




Welcome to DRK Logistics, your premier choice for transportation solutions in the vibrant city of Sagar, since 1990. Located in the heart of Gujarati Bazar, our establishment has emerged as a true luminary in the realm of logistics and transport services. Since our inception, we’ve embarked on a remarkable journey characterized by dedication, innovation, and unwavering customer focus. Our story is one of continuous growth and evolution, driven by a relentless pursuit of excellence. As we look towards the future, DRK Logistics, along with Pratima Logistics as our registered name, is poised to diversify and extend our line of products and services, all to serve an even broader spectrum of clients.

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Our skills

why choose for us?

With years of experience in the logistics industry, we have enhanced our skills and built a team of experts who understand the intricacies of transportation, warehousing, and distribution. 

Safety and Security


Project On Time


Modern Technology


Professional Packing



our client's feedback

At DRK Logistics, we firmly believe that customer satisfaction is paramount, right alongside the quality of our services. Let us view some of our esteemed clients’ feedback.

Sagar Office

Near Surya Life Care Hospital Tilakganj Sagar (M.P.)
+91 971 334 00 00

Indore Office

Shop No. 3, Roshan Compound Opp.
Agrawal Toll Kanta Dewas Naka Indore(M.P.)
+91 990 708 08 82

Ahmedabad Office

25 Vaibhav Laxmi Estates Jangal Khata Near Eknath Opp. Ekta Hotel Aslali Ahmedabad (Guj)
+91 940 863 63 68

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